We are represented by many partners and distributors around the world

Our partners share the same dedication and passion when it comes to superior microalgae extracts and ingredients. We invite you to visit their website and take a look at the high-quality products that they have to offer!

Cerule® is a biotech company that sells proven, one-of-a-kind, wellness products such as StemEnhance® Ultra, Cyactiv®, Cyactiv® Joint and PlasmaFlo®.

Dechra is an international specialist veterinary pharmaceuticals products business. Our expertise is in the development, manufacture, and sales and marketing of high-quality products exclusively for veterinarians worldwide.

SEPHYTAL PHARMA is an operator and distributor of raw materials and pharmaceutical ingredients servicing the Health and Wellbeing industries.

We are wholesalers of Klamath Lake Blue Green Algae, Spirulina, Tri Verde: Blue Green Algae Blend, ProBiotics, Digestive Enzymes and more.

We base our work on scientific research and innovation with the aim of creating products that improve people’s quality of life. Our keyword is CUTTING-EDGE. A continuous and constant innovation in the field of health and wellness.

Health Leads is dedicated to sourcing the best available ingredients so that you can benefit from our high quality supplements that provide optimal absorption and bio-availability.